Glasgow Syndrome?

We’ve all heard of Stockholm syndrome where hostages form relationships with their captors, I’m wondering if there is a word in psychology for a choir that started out with few of us knowing each other that well, but who have formed a strong bond  as we have endeavoured to make our voices harmonise. Our long suffering choir mistress pulls out her hair as she tries to get us to sound better, while we behave like school children, telling jokes, chattering and losing all concentration. Our music scores are a mass of rubbings out, asterisks, huge arrows pointing to codas and repeat signs, and bits underlined but we can’t remember why .

There have been times when we have sounded like a torture chamber for cats, and the “boys” have thrown timing to the wind and raced the sopranos and altos to the end of the piece, always beating us to it. Us sopranos might find the high notes easier if we trod on each others feet.

We still come in untidily, forget how many bars of music there are between verses and make up our own harmonies, but after months of work we are beginning to sound like a choir.  Singing is said to release serotonin in the brain, the “feel good” hormone. When the singing goes well it does, but on a bad practice night, especially if we are tired, depression can set in fast. 

We need to tighten up our performance now, and sort out our pronunciation and emphasis on the story line. I come from down south so sing long vowels, my fellow singers mostly come from the west coast of Scotland and Glasgow. I sing “fayyyce” while my neighbour sang “fiarce”, I sing”Murcee”  as in Myrrh ,my neighbour sings “Merrrceey” as in the french pronunciation for the sea. We are so absorbed in getting the music right that we forget we are telling a story and make talking to a burning bush sounds as if we do it every day and there is nothing to get excited about.

BUT, we will get it right in the next 4 practices and we will wow our audiences.If not there’s always tea and a biscuit!

Run for your life.


I read the  Cor Deo blog this morning, which I have pasted below and it sparked some thoughts. ” Worldliness” is an old fashioned word, we tend not to want to think about it these days. We become obsessed with the way we look. Teenagers always want to look older, whereas older folk seem to want to look younger. We ladies are bombarded by the media with creams to prevent wrinkles and rejuvenate skin. We can dye our hair any colour we wish, men can combat grey , use moisturiser ,but  nothing seems to have combated baldness since some youths yelled at Elisha and taunted him for being follically challenged, with disastrous results for them I might add. 

On my Facebook page are dozens of photos of women without make up, who are trying to raise awareness about Cancer. I think we are all very aware, and I am pleased if their efforts raise money for research. There are two things that concern me , firstly that (and I am not critising,I have worn make up since I was 14 and I’m now 59),there is so much pressure on young people to look better than they are. Is it not for us  Christians to tell people that they are “fearfully and wonderfully made”, they are created in God’s image and are perfect in his sight. This begins with us loving them so that they may believe it. Secondly, the Cancer adverts declare, “Help us fight Cancer and save lives.” They may be able to make someone live longer but only one person can actually save a life.


Here is the blog:

Worldly Church

February 18th 2014 by  Posted in Blog 1 Comment

Worldly ChurchOn a normal street in a town near somewhere, there is a church.  I won’t describe the building in any detail because this may cause you to either disassociate yourself from it and start pointing the finger at others, or to feel like I am pointing my finger at your type of church.  Let’s just say it is a church not unlike yours or mine.

The church building sits between two other buildings.  As you come out of the doors, to the left, there is a nightclub.  The building is unused most of the week, but everyone knows what it is and what happens there a couple of evenings each week.

To the right of the church, there is a gym.  It is a nice, clean, modern, glass-fronted building.  It is clear what happens in there.  Day and night rows of men and women strive to be a better them.  Treadmills and cross-trainers and rowing machines in rows are often half-filled with people trying to compensate for overfilling during the Christmas season.

As you look at it, there is the gym, the church and the nightclub.  Like many churches, the conversation over the years has included concern over worldliness creeping into the church.  At various points there have been discussions, sometimes quiet and in gossipy-tones, other times vociferous and contentious.  Some of the discussions have included whether choruses are appropriate or a worldly compromise, whether amplified music is appropriate in a church, whether people should dress up in their Sunday best in order to attend, whether it is appropriate to dance during worship, etc.  Some have even suggested having the nightclub so close might be an attack of the enemy.

As the conversations have gone on over the years, everyone has been aware of the danger of “turning left” out of the church and moving in the direction of the nightclub.  It has become a figure of speech for some in the church.  Others have pointed out that actually the nightclub may be a venue where bad things happen, but the church should be trying to reach the people in the nightclub, rather than fearing some sort of worldliness by osmosis.

Whether paralysed by fear, or eager to engage, everyone in the church knows that worldliness involves turning left out of the church door.  Or does it?

What if a preacher were to be preaching through Colossians and come to the end of chapter 2?  After all the tremendous material about the person and work of Christ, the One who is the very mystery of God embodied.  After the wonderful exhortation to walk in Christ in the same way as he was received, then the warnings about not being captured by worldly philosophy and empty deceit.  After the description of his victorious death and its open triumph over the forces of evil, finally the preacher gets to the latter verses of chapter 2.

Here Paul warns them of the dangers of religious asceticism with all its regulations and limitations.  “Do not handle, Do not taste, Do not touch.”  Then comes verse 23: “These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.”

How can Paul talk about such things and refer to this as being worldly?  With Christ they died to “the elemental spirits of the world” and now, as if they “were still alive in the world,” they are submitting to such regulations.

What if the preacher pointed out that worldliness doesn’t only move in one direction?  What if turning right out of the door were equally a picture of worldliness for the church?  In fact, perhaps turning right is the bigger danger?

After all, one could argue that many church folks would find the nightclub unattractive for a host of spiritual, personal, and cultural reasons.  But what about the gym?  Striving to be a better me.  Working hard to achieve my goals.  Doing what it takes to look better in front of others.  Making the effort to overcome my comfort preferences to do the right thing.  Am I describing the gym or church?

If we are not careful, our churches can have a lot in common with gyms.  Environments framed in language of determination and effort (compare and contrast the self-determination commitment language of many sermons), sometimes places where personal image becomes more important than genuine vulnerability, even a programme that people endure despite their personal comfort preferences for the good that it will do for them.

We must beware of a simplistic understanding of worldliness.  In the parable presented here, the nightclub and the gym are both pictures of ways the church can shift from the focus.

One way is to move toward pleasure seeking.  The other direction is toward prideful striving.  Call it the younger brother option and the older brother option if you like.  Either way, the focus is always on me.  But Paul underlines that there is no value to be found in looking to me for the solution to the problem of me.

Instead, let’s be sure our churches are communities with hearts set on Christ, who is our life.  Let’s together seek to wear his character and not the garb of our worldly nature…either sort.

In Christ I Stand

There are a great many things that I would like to write here just now, but it is not possible yet.

At the moment this verse is very much in my thoughts.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

My life has, and it is the same for many folk, been full of ups and downs. A lot of folk blame God for what happens to them, I have learnt that it is usually my own poor decision making that leads me into trouble and it is God who sorts me out; and so it shall be this time.

I first heard this verse preached  about in 1980. An experienced missionary who had been through some extraordinary ordeals in his life as a surgeon shared  his experiences with a small congregation of which I was a member. He was a colourful character who banged on the lectern as he said “Consider it pure joy!”.

I could not grasp then how I could be joyful under trial, but James isn’t asking us to “feel” joy. As Beth Moore puts in in her study of James:

consider- “make the choice” to think or reflect on the potential joy from growth and weathering the storm and the good that IS available to us whenever we experience trials of many kinds.  It’s not about feeling good about it, but about making a choice about how you’re going to handle the hardship.”

We have the freedom to make a decision will it be joy or complaining? Will it be sulking because we cannot have our own way?  Blaming God and wondering if we can carry on believing?

We can either sit in a corner and become part of the problem or we can get up stand our ground and put on our armour from Ephesians 6.

I once read that that if you feel that you are in the middle of a battle and the arrows are coming thick and fast and you have come to a stand still, get out your bat and whack them away!