New beginnings!

It’s now almost common knowledge that there are changes afoot at the Manse, and I’m not going to dwell on the why’s or wherefores.

I am moving in a few months time to begin another adventure. I don’t know what it is yet as Rolf Harris might say, but I’m pretty sure God does. I had hoped that I would be here for the longhaul but it is not to be , and I am greatly saddened by recent events.

I have written on here; and given others advice about not becoming part of the problem by succumbing to self-pity, so I am looking forward to new things. I have been offered housing out of the Parish, which I am taking and hope to live by the Lochside and will be able to watch the sea tides ,the changing weather and the boats from my windows.

I have realised how many wonderful friends I have made in the Parishes that I have served, leaving them is a terrible wrench but my kitchen will always be ready with the kettle on!

Easter is a good time for new beginnings, Jesus rose from the dead to give us life and give it abundantly for all eternity. I’m looking forward too, to new ways of serving God’s people. So don’t stop reading ,there are new and exciting times ahead, I just may have to put an “X” in front of the title of the blog.